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ILTACON 2015 Networking and Recreational Event: Better than 10 Gb Ethernet

By Jim McCue posted 07-08-2015 18:35


Hope you're all having a great summer, and what better way to cap it off then attending the ILTACON Conference the end of August! 

While the educational sessions at Conference are some of the best reasons to go to Conference, please don't forget our incredible networking and recreational events. These allow us to get to know other members, vendors, consultants and ILTA staff in a more relaxed social setting.  We build relationships and support systems that last for years.  Fun will be available in bite sized portions.

Here are the events we have on tap for this year (they can be found in more detail at\Agenda\Networking Events and \Recreational Events): 

Networking Events:

Communities of Interest: Sunday from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m:

Kick off the conference by networking with peers of similar interest. There are 14 this year, and I'll have the pleasure of facilitating the Small Firm group.  These communities include groups focused on job type, technology categories and specific interests.  And yes, it's OK for Tweeters to meet in person...

Conference Orientation: Sunday from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

This is an opportunity for first-timers and veterans to learn a bit more about ILTACON and what's coming up for the week.  It's a big Conference and a big venue, so let us narrow down what you need to know. 

Opening Reception: Sunday from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

ILTA's Garden of the Gods opening reception will be around the beautiful Caesars Palace pools (weather permitting).  Food, drink and fun will be available.  I'm going to go out on a limb and say there will be someone dressed like a Roman available for photos.

Exhibit Hall Opening Reception: Monday from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

This year's Exhibit Hall opening reception theme is "Once Upon a Time", based on the fairy tale theme from the TV show. Come see what crazy outfits and booth decorations the vendors come up with in their all-out bid for vendor hall supremacy.   Or make and wear your own!  Food/drink and at 6:30 pm, the Legal Bytes band will melt your face off. 

Distinguished Peer Awards Dinner and After-Glow Party: Tuesday from 6:30 - 11:00 p.m.

ILTA's sixth annual Distinguished Peer Awards dinner will feature a formal sit-down dinner, a comedian emcee and a theme of "the new Las Vegas." Wear fancy clothes or shorts, heck we just want you there!  The award winners will be announced, and afterwards, enjoy "vintage Las Vegas" at our after-glow party.  Neon can give you a tan if you're near it long enough.

Take it Easy Wednesday:    

There is no ILTA event planned for the evening. Relax with your friends or enjoy one of the many awesome vendor networking events.  And I'm not using the word "awesome" loosely.

Game On, ILTACON!: Thursday 6:30 - 11:00 p.m.

Don't make the mistake of leaving before Thursday night's closing event.  We'll have food, games and competition.  Pretend you can sing at the karaoke bar!  Many can, but if you can't, we'll still be supportive and non judgemental.

Recreational Events

Golf Tournament:  Sunday, August 30th - 7:30 a.m. Shotgun Start

ILTA's 17th annual golf tournament will be held at the Royal Links Golf Club, a course based on the best 18 holes from the 11-course rotation of the British Open. Sponsored by the good folks at Kraft Kennedy.

Monday through Thursday - 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.

Get your morning started with a 60-minute yoga session. Bring your mat and towels will be provided. I'll be sleeping, but you'll be in much better shape (and more flexible) than me.

Zumba:  Tuesday, September 1 - 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.

I have no idea what this is, but it seems to be quite popular and it's a catchy name! If you enjoy moving to a Latin beat, you'll love this 60-minute dance workout.

So that's most of the Networking and Recreational stuff that's happening at ILTACON.  But don't forget the informal networking that happens all the time during Conference.  Meeting up for a reasonably priced Starbuck's coffee or a drink after sessions is always a great way to network as well.  Should you be hiking the Grand Canyon after Conference, a small group of us will be doing that and would love to discuss Legal IT and how much we love water on our march to the bottom.  

ILTACON is your Conference, so volunteer!

A lot of vocational conferences are sponsored by third party groups, with limited involvement from the attendees. Since ILTA is a volunteer membership organization, ILTACON is truly "our" Conference. The quality of the ILTACON experience is very dependent on volunteers and a great staff. So don't forget that as you participate and get more involved if you aren't already. Be a speaker, a conference volunteer, or just share some ideas at Conference with another member.  It all matters.  ILTACON positions open up shortly after Conference and various other volunteer positions open up throughout the year.  ILTA is truly yours, so get involved! 

Take care and see you in Caesar's!


Jim McCue
ILTACON 2015 Team Leader, Technical Operations

Director of Information Systems
Rodey, Dickason, Sloan, Akin & Robb, P.A.
Number Of Attorneys : 75, Number Of Offices : 2
Albuquerque NM
ILTA 2015 Conference Committee
+1 (505) 766 7504




07-30-2015 16:58

Hi Dede! The Trainers Community of Interest will be in the Verona Meeting room. They should have the rooms for the Communities of Interest posted online in the near future.

07-30-2015 16:39

Where will the Communities of Interest meet on Sunday? I'm looking for the Trainers group.